Nine to Five work and regular income does not mean that you have grown financially. Much more of this is indicated by conscious and forward-looking decisions. Evaluate yourself for these nine signs of financial maturity.

You learn from the success of those who have succeed

If you see someone who is particularly lucky in business or career, and you feel envy about them and think that it is undeserved, it is not the right attitude. Successful people are the easiest ones to learn from. Ask them questions, try to find out the reasons for their success story, think that his example can be useful for your career. Rarely the successes in life falls from the air, for the most part it is a series of well-made decisions, learning from your own or others mistakes and other success stories.

You take responsibility for your life

No one else nor government nor employer or employees – you are the one who determines how you live, how you earn and how you handle your money. Every decision is yours, every euro you earn and spend is your responsibility. Sketchy decisions are also decisions. Doing or not doing, changing or leaving as it is – every single decision is in your hands.

You care about your future

Life from salary to salary, picking up some small loan on the way for  newer Iphone or a romantic trip, is nice, but it’s important to make smart decisions today that will affect your life in the future. Making savings, paying into a pension fund, and paying taxes will help you in case of a cataclysm or in your retirement.

You are not giving up on the advice

Saying about a dove that knew everything, but in the end it did not learn to build its nest, there is much of the truth. If someone wants to give you advice, listen and then find out if it was useful. When you make financial decisions, ask for an advice to your friends, your bank, or search the Internet. It is foolish to build your own experience without using similar experiences from others.

You are concerned about the security of your data and money

Superficial attitude to the different passwords and codes that are needed to handle your money on the Internet everyday may become a bitter experience. To know and understand who do you trust your data to, how they are stored, and how they are taken care of should be natural. But if you don’t, then do not also wonder if you become a victim of bad guys.

You don’t spend more than you earn

The desire to afford more than our income allows us to can damage more than one credit history. Of course, we all want expensive things, good housing, a car and traveling to distant lands, but if the wallet does not allow it, we must first think about how to fill it, rather than empty it. Having a loan must have a clear plan on how to return it. If not, you can start waiting for trouble.

You plan your budget

Can you tell me, without long thinking, how much money you need to cover utilities and daily spending. What are your daily, weekly, and monthly budgets, how much do you plan to accumulate and how long do you still have to pay your loan? If you do not know, it is more likely to be more careful about budget planning.

You are insured

Insurance is not a burden that must be taken because it is required by law or by the bank. Housing and Residential Insurance, as well as  car insurance, have rescued many from serious problems, and so many have bitten their fingers that they have not purchased an insurance policy. Its capabilities are extensive and cover a wide range of life situations, but no one is insured for such situations.

Your purchases are rational

A gigantic jeep to take a ride on the streets of your city center, or a huge flat where there is space for an army, is still a standard situation. Even if you can afford it, it is worth considering whether you really need the newest phone model or the most expensive brand of clothing. Sometimes this does not necessarily mean the highest quality. It is rational to buy what you need and as much as you need, or what you can afford.