Thomas Kralow Trading University Review

Thomas Kralow Trading University Review

¿Quién es Thomas Kralow y cuál es su programa de trading?

Thomas Kralow, que es letón por cierto, es un operador activo del mercado de valores con más de 7 años de experiencia, 20 mil operaciones y ganancias comprobadas de al menos 9 millones de dólares. Promedia más de 2.5 mil transacciones y 1.25 millones de USD de ganancias por año. Puede ver sus resultados comerciales publicados en su sitio web.


Después de lograr buenos resultados en el comercio, decidió crear su propio programa de educación comercial con el objetivo de enseñar a los nuevos operadores a lograr el mismo éxito. Thomas Kralow no solo aprendió el oficio por sí mismo, sino que tuvo su propio mentor. Él entiende exactamente lo que se necesita para ganar dinero en el mercado de valores y lo difícil que habría sido sin la ayuda de un mentor.

Tal vez Thomas Kralow no estaría donde está hoy sin la ayuda de su mentor. Había decidido ir a la universidad para convertirse en abogado antes de que su mentor lo convenciera de estudiar comercio. Ahora tiene enormes ganancias comerciales, un exitoso negocio de educación comercial y actualmente está trabajando en la construcción de un fondo de cobertura multimillonario.

En esta revisión completa de Thomas Kralow, echaremos un vistazo al programa de educación comercial de rápido crecimiento de Thomas Kralow, “University Level Trading”, y descubriremos si Thomas Kralow es un comerciante realmente bueno o simplemente otro gurú falso.

Thomas Kralow Reseñas – ¡Es difícil encontrar malas críticas!

Antes de apresurarse a juzgar el programa de educación comercial de Thomas Kralow en función de su opinión personal, es importante mirar las revisiones en Internet. Uno de los mejores lugares para obtener reseñas de compañías de Internet es

Thomas Kralow TrustPilot reseñas y testimonios:


Como podemos ver, la calificación de Thomas Kralow en Trustpilot es 4.7 / 5.0, ¡lo cual es casi perfecto! Vea las reseñas usted mismo en el sitio web de


Incluso antes de sumergirse en su programa de negociación, sería una buena idea leer las reseñas de los usuarios aquí. Por lo general, las revisiones de las compañías son muy diferentes, pero para el programa comercial de Thomas Kralow, ¡todas dicen casi unánimemente que este programa vale la pena el dinero invertido y más!

Lo que ofrece el programa de trading de Thomas Kralow – Curso completo de trading y costo:

Thomas Kralow ofrece dos versiones de su programa de trading: la versión completa o la versión abreviada. La versión completa incluye los 14 capítulos principales que se enumeran a continuación, así como el examen final. La versión abreviada es idéntica, excepto por un capítulo que cubre lo básico.

  • Inicio efectivo
  • Psicología del trading
  • Fundamentos del análisis técnico
  • Introducción al trading de indicadores
  • Reglas importantes de trading de indicadores
  • Sistemas de trading de indicadores
  • Una introducción al trading nivelado
  • Trading de nivel avanzado
  • Gestión del riesgo y del dinero
  • Sistemas de trading nivelado
  • Estrategia de trading personal de Thomas Kralow
  • Algoritmo personal y estadísticas
  • Elegir un enfoque comercial
  • Resumen
  • Examen final


También se le ofrecerán tres opciones diferentes según el nivel de asistencia personal que desee: Standard, Assistance o Assistance Plus. El estándar es 100% autoestudio, Help es 60% autoestudio con 40% estudio asistido, y Help Plus es 90% estudio asistido con 10% autoestudio (incluido el apoyo 1 a 1 de Thomas Kralow). El costo de cada opción aumenta dependiendo del nivel de asistencia que elija. En general, la opción más popular entre los estudiantes es el programa de nivel medio Ayuda.

100% independent learning
60% independent, 40% assisted learning
10% independent, 90% assisted learning
Full cost$295 per month (4 months) or
$980 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$695 per month (4 months) or
$2,480 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$4,995 per month (4 months) or
$16,480 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
The cost of the shortened course$270/Month (For 4 Months), or
$880 (One-Time Payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$645 per month (4 months) or
$2,280 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$4,695 per month (4 months) or
$15,380 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
The program includesApproximately 120 days program
13/14 Basic chapters
More than 150 video lessons
More than 80 homework assignments
Exclusive access to the community
Comprehensive final exam
Diploma and graduation gift
Same as standard, plus:
Individual homework check
Personal assistant throughout the program
Private real money trading support after graduation
Same as Help, plus:
Direct line of communication, personal one-on-one support and private mentoring sessions with Thomas Kralow himself

Canal de YouTube de Thomas Kralow

Thomas Kralow es socialmente activo – puedes ver docenas de videos en su canal de Youtube – Thomas Kralow Youtube

¿Por qué está vendiendo un programa de educación comercial, por qué no solo comerciar solo?

Esta es, con mucho, la pregunta más frecuente para los mentores comerciales: “Si eres un gran comerciante, ¿por qué no comercias tú mismo? ¿Por qué también vendes un curso, programa o servicio? “. Esta es definitivamente una pregunta válida y, por lo general, estos gurús comerciales simplemente mienten y dicen algo sobre cómo quieren ayudar a las personas.


Thomas Kralow es respetado por ser completamente honesto sobre sus razones para decidir crear y vender un programa comercial. La primera razón es que el comercio activo era un trabajo solitario y estresante que lo ataba a una silla de computadora durante aproximadamente 12 horas al día. Siendo una persona muy sociable y creativa, quería comunicarse más con la gente y los nuevos proyectos. En este momento, casi no estaba involucrado en el comercio. Ha pasado principalmente a inversiones a largo plazo, capacitación y varios otros proyectos.

La segunda razón es que lo hizo para reemplazar sus ingresos comerciales, y no tiene miedo de decirlo. Aunque está ocupado con su programa ayudando a los comerciantes que se inscribieron en Assisted Plus, quería crear más ingresos pasivos para sí mismo. Además de eso, también quiere crear su propio fondo de cobertura y participar en actividades filantrópicas, como donar el 15-20% de sus ingresos a orfanatos en Letonia (donde creció). Finalmente, su programa es realmente efectivo para sus estudiantes, no inútil como la mayoría de los demás.

Si revisas su canal de YouTube u otras redes sociales, encontrarás que es como un libro abierto cuando se trata de hablar de casi cualquier tema, incluso los detalles de cuánto gana su negocio de educación en ventas y los detalles completos de su patrimonio neto personal.

About The Author

Roland Berg

I have been searching for ways how to make money online since 2012. And that has become my passion! I have tried so many ways, including Forex trading, sports trading, dropshipping, P2P investing, MLM, various systems and services, but I have sticked to Affiliate marketing. I really like the fact, that affiliate marketing allows me to teach others and make extra money for myself.

Thomas Kralow Trading University Review

Thomas Kralow Trading University Review

Who is Thomas Kralow and what is his trading program?

Thomas Kralow, who is Latvian by the way, is an active stock market trader with more than 7 years of experience, 20 thousand trades and proven profit of at least 9 million USD. It averages more than 2.5 thousand transactions and 1.25 million USD profit per year. You can see his published trading results on his website.


After achieving good results in trading, he decided to create his own trading education program with the goal of teaching new traders to achieve the same success. Thomas Kralow didn’t just learn the trade by himself – he had his own mentor. He understands exactly what it takes to make money in the stock market and how difficult it would have been without the help of a mentor.

Perhaps Thomas Kralow would not be where he is today without the help of his mentor. He had decided to go to university to become a lawyer before his mentor talked him into studying commerce. He now has huge trading profits, a successful trading education business, and is currently working on building a multi-million dollar hedge fund.

In this comprehensive Thomas Kralow review, we’ll take a look at Thomas Kralow’s fast-growing trading education program, “University Level Trading,” and find out if Thomas Kralow is a really good trader or just another bogus guru.

Thomas Kralow Reviews – It’s hard to find any bad reviews!

Before you rush to judge the Thomas Kralow trading education program based on your personal opinion, it is important to look at reviews on the Internet. One of the best places to get reviews of internet companies is

Thomas Kralow TrustPilot reviews and testimonials:


As we can see, Thomas Kralow’s rating on Trustpilot is 4.7/5.0, which is almost perfect! See the reviews for yourself on the website.


Even before diving into his trading program, it would be a good idea to read the user reviews here. Usually, the reviews of the companies are very different, but for the Thomas Kralow trading program, they all almost unanimously say that this program is worth the money invested and more!

What the Thomas Kralow Trading Program Offers – Full trading course and Cost:

Thomas Kralow offers two versions of his trading program – the full version or the shortened version. The full version includes all 14 core chapters listed below, as well as the final exam. The shortened version is identical except for one chapter that covers the basics.

  • Effective start
  • Trading psychology
  • Basics of technical analysis
  • Introduction to indicator trading
  • Important Indicator Trading Rules
  • Indicator trading systems
  • An introduction to level trading
  • Advanced level trading
  • Risk and money management
  • Level trading systems
  • Thomas Kralow Personal Trading Strategy
  • Personal algorithm and statistics
  • Choosing a trading approach
  • Summary
  • Final exam


You will also be offered three different options depending on the level of personal assistance you want – Standard, Assistance or Assistance Plus. Standard is 100% self-study, Help is 60% self-study with 40% assisted study, and Help Plus is 90% assisted study with 10% self-study (including 1-on-1 support from Thomas Kralow). The cost of each option increases depending on the level of assistance you choose. In general, the most popular option among students is the mid-level program Help.

100% independent learning
60% independent, 40% assisted learning
10% independent, 90% assisted learning
Full cost$295 per month (4 months) or
$980 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$695 per month (4 months) or
$2,480 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$4,995 per month (4 months) or
$16,480 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
The cost of the shortened course$270/Month (For 4 Months), or
$880 (One-Time Payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$645 per month (4 months) or
$2,280 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
$4,695 per month (4 months) or
$15,380 (one time payment)
Use code off10 to get 10% off
The program includesApproximately 120 days program
13/14 Basic chapters
More than 150 video lessons
More than 80 homework assignments
Exclusive access to the community
Comprehensive final exam
Diploma and graduation gift
Same as standard, plus:
Individual homework check
Personal assistant throughout the program
Private real money trading support after graduation
Same as Help, plus:
Direct line of communication, personal one-on-one support and private mentoring sessions with Thomas Kralow himself

Thomas Kralow youtube channel

Thomas Kralow is socially active – you can watch dozens of videos on his Youtube channel – Thomas Kralow Youtube

Why is he selling a trading education program – why not just trading by himself?

This is by far the most frequently asked question for trading mentors: “If you’re such a great trader, why don’t you trade yourself? Why are you also selling a course, program or service? “. This is definitely a valid question and usually these trading gurus just lie and say something about how they want to help people.


Thomas Kralow is respected for being completely honest about his reasons for deciding to create and sell a trading program. The first reason is that active trading was a lonely and stressful job that tied him to a computer chair for about 12 hours a day. Being a very social and creative person, he wanted to communicate more with people and new projects. At this time, he was almost not engaged in trade himself. He has mostly moved on to long-term investments, training and various other projects.

The second reason is that he did it to replace his trading income – and he’s not afraid to say so. Although he is busy with his program helping traders who signed up for Assisted Plus, he wanted to create more passive income for himself. In addition to that, he also wants to create his own hedge fund and participate in philanthropic activities, such as donating 15-20% of his income to orphanages in Latvia (where he grew up). Finally, his program is actually effective for his students – not useless like most others.

If you check out his YouTube channel or other social media, you’ll find that he’s like an open book when it comes to talking about almost any topic – even the details of how much his sales education business makes and the full details of his personal net worth.

About The Author

Roland Berg

I have been searching for ways how to make money online since 2012. And that has become my passion! I have tried so many ways, including Forex trading, sports trading, dropshipping, P2P investing, MLM, various systems and services, but I have sticked to Affiliate marketing. I really like the fact, that affiliate marketing allows me to teach others and make extra money for myself.

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